Cross Cultural Management Guide for El Salvador
The cultural insights offered below are for managers who want to learn more about the management style and business culture of El Salvador.
They provide some useful information for managers who are relocating to the country for employment as well as those who may have Salvadorian employees in their global or multicultural teams.
Topics include:
- Business structure
- Relationship culture
- Perceptions of honor
- Hierarchy
- Time
- Communication style
- Negotiation
Being a Manager in El Salvador
In order to achieve success as a manager, it is essential that you understand this is a country where knowing the right person is often more important than what you know:
- Interpersonal relationships, especially loyalty to family and friends, are the glue that binds the country together.
- Trustworthiness, sincerity, and integrity are crucial to building relationships.
- Expect to answer questions about your personal background, family and interests.
- Although these facts have nothing to do with business, they allow your Salvadorian colleagues to get to know you as a person.
- Do not attempt to rush this getting-to-know-you process.
- Relationships take time to develop.
- You should show a sincere interest in the people you meet and demonstrate a willingness to get to know them as individuals.
The Role of a Manager
When managing in El Salvador, it is important to keep in mind that each person has a very distinct role within the organization, and maintaining that role helps to keep order.
- Cultural adaptability relies on an understanding of this hierarchical system.
- People believe that their supervisors have been chosen because they have more experience and greater knowledge than those they manage.
- Therefore, unnecessary, and even inappropriate for them to consult with lower-ranking individuals when decision-making.
- In El Salvador, as in other hierarchical societies, managers may take a somewhat paternalistic attitude toward their employees.
Approach to Change
El Salvador’s readiness for change at a cultural level is medium.
- Changes are still made slowly, requiring a considerable amount of thought, planning and evaluation.
- Cultural sensitivity is important with El Salvador’s attitude toward risk dramatically impacted by the negative ramifications of failure on both the individual and the group.
Approach to Time and Priorities
Deadlines and timescales are fluid.
- Patience is the key to successful cross cultural management when working in El Salvador.
- Essentially a relationship-driven culture, it should be understood that taking the time to get to know someone will always take precedence over any timelines.
- When managing people from El Salvador, it’s advisable to reinforce the importance of the agreed-upon deadlines and how that may affect the rest of the organization.
- However, it isn’t unusual for a manager in El Salvador to avoid confrontation over a deadline in order to maintain a positive relationship within the team.
Decision Making
Salvadorian business is hierarchical. Job functions, roles and responsibilities are well-defined and respected. Even in meetings, subordinates will demonstrate deference and respect towards those at a higher level.
- Most expatriates find Salvadorians hard-working. Individual initiative usually takes into account what is in the best interest of the group.
- If a choice must be made between what is best for the team and what is best for the individual, the team will win.
- This is something to consider when delegating tasks.
- Although individual achievement is a virtue, Salvadorian managers do not praise their employees in the public arena.
- Praise is given privately as it prevents others from losing face.
- Subordinates expect their boss to be decisive and even somewhat dictatorial.
Boss or Team Player?
If you are working with people from El Salvador, it is important to remember the role that hierarchy plays in teamwork and collaboration.
- Subordinates expect their boss to be decisive and even somewhat dictatorial.
Communication and Negotiation Styles
The communication style in El Salvador is generally warm, friendly, and respectful. Salvadorans value personal relationships and are often enthusiastic in their conversations with others. Eye contact and physical touch (such as handshakes or hugs) are common forms of greeting.
- Since Salvadorans are status conscious, you should include an executive on your negotiating team.
- If you do not speak Spanish, to avoid any miscommunication, arrange for an interpreter.
- Negotiations will include a fair amount of haggling. Do not give your best offer first.
- Salvadorians see negotiations as a win/lose proposition.
- Granting a concession allows them to "win"

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