Cross Cultural Management Guide for Oman
The insights offered below are for managers who want to learn more about the management style and business culture of Oman.
This guide provides some useful information for managers who are relocating to the country for employment as well as those who may have Omani employees in their global or multicultural teams.
Topics include:
- Hierarchy
- Leadership style
- Time and scheduling
- Communication style
- Negotiation
Being a Manager in Oman
The business culture in Oman is conservative, so foreign managers will need to understand the importance of maintaining a degree of formality.
- Since Omanis prefer to do business with those with whom they have a personal relationship, a letter of introduction from someone they know facilitates their trust.
- Omanis do not require as much personal space as most Western cultures.
- As such, they will stand close to you while conversing and you may feel as if your personal space has been violated.
- Omanis are extremely hospitable and enjoy hosting foreign guests.
- At the same time, they expect you to understand the rules of their country and obey them.
- This includes dressing appropriately and respecting prayer time.
The Role of a Manager
Foreign managers will be more effective with an understanding of the individual roles and existing hierarchy.
- Employees do not question the decisions that have been reached.
- Managers or those in a position to do so will make decisions, while in general, their subordinates will wait to be told what to do.
Approach to Change
Oman’s cultural appetite for risk is low.
- New projects will be carefully analyzed to assure that whatever risk they represent is thoroughly understood and addressed.
- In order for change to take hold, the idea needs to be perceived as good for the group and be accepted by the group.
- Cultural sensitivity is important with Oman’s attitude toward risk dramatically impacted by the negative ramifications of failure on both the individual and the group.
Approach to Time and Priorities
Omanis will not want to upset others in order to force adherence to a deadline.
- Things generally take longer than expected since meetings are frequently interrupted and several meetings may be required to do what could be handled by a phone call at home.
- When working with people from Oman, it’s advisable to reinforce the importance of the agreed-upon deadline.
- Patience is key when working in Oman.
Decision Making
Managers reach decisions after many discussions with everyone involved. Once a decision is reached, it is handed down to subordinates to implement.
- Employees are generally treated with respect.
- In turn, employees treat their manager with respect and deference attributable to their position.
- Meeting deadlines is often secondary to maintaining personal relationships.
- Managers do not publicly chastise employees because it would cause the subordinate to lose dignity and respect so cultural sensitivity will be needed.
Boss or Team Player?
If you are working in Oman, it is important to remember that honour and reputation play an important role and so some sensitivity will be required.
- The risk becomes amplified in a team or collaborative setting.
- If you would like to encourage participation it is important first to clearly establish a non-threatening work environment and communicate fully that team-member participation is desired.
Communication and Negotiation Styles
The communication style in Oman is high-context and indirect. Saving face, acting in the proper manner and protecting social relationships are important drivers behind the communication style.
- If you try to rush things, you could risk your business relationship.
- Omanis are event rather than time-driven.
- The actual meeting is more important than the timeliness or outcome.
- Omanis are skilled negotiators.
- They often see bargaining as entertainment.
- Negotiation generally follows a "win/lose" attitude.
- Be prepared to come down in both price and terms.
- Do not set your initial price so high that the ending price makes it apparent that you did not expect to settle at that rate.
- There is a tendency to avoid giving bad news and to give flowery acceptances, which may only mean "perhaps.
Learn about Middle East Business Culture
If you want to learn more about the culture of the region, then we have a free eLearning course available.
Watch it below or on the course page.