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Cross Cultural Awareness Quizzes & Assessments
  • Phone+44 0330 027 0207 or +1 (818) 532-6908
  • +44 0330 027 0207
  • +1 (818) 532-6908

90 seconds, 27 true or false questions about cultural differences, etiquette, customs and languages!

Pass mark is 80%! Good luck!



1. Muslims can eat 'Kosher' meat

True False

2. Touching and standing close to one another is considered invasive in Korean business culture

True False

3. Eating with your left hand is a taboo in Saudi Arabia

True False

4. In Australia you are expected to thank the waiter for your food when it arrives

True False

5. In the UAE only holy men wear white

True False

6. Arabs always expect gifts to be opened in front of the giver

True False

7. Number 4 is considered lucky in Japan

True False

8. Spaniards like to maintain eye contact during conversations

True False

9. Thais, unlike the Japanese and Chinese, do not mind 'losing face'

True False

10. In Ireland everyone buys their own drinks at a bar/pub

True False

11. The Japanese often send money to bereaved friends as an expression of sympathy

True False

12. Germans are generally quite formal in business

True False

13. Most Scandinavians start their bargaining with what is in their opinion, the fair price

True False

14. The thumbs up sign means 'OK' in Argentina

True False

15. In India a pale face is a sign of beauty

True False

16. In Great Britain you should tip your bowl away from you when eating soup

True False

17. The Japanese and Chinese can read each other's newspapers

True False

18. All Arabs are Muslims

True False

19. U.S. American culture focuses more on collective gain as opposed to individual freedom

True False

20. U.S. American business people dislike detailed written contracts

True False

21. In Mongolia it's custom to drink yak's milk with guests

True False

22. Mexicans are supposed to keep their hands on the table during a meal

True False

23. Men shaking hands with women is acceptable in Indonesia (and vice-versa)

True False

24. The further South you go in Europe, the more authoritarian the boss is expected to be

True False

25. Brazilians only ever wear black shoes in the office

True False

26. Burping after eating food is an insult in China

True False

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