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What are the Most Common Expatriate Relocation Concerns?


Relocating overseas can be a huge deal for expats and their families.

Where the target country encompasses a similar culture, for example, a move from the USA to the UK, then the expat might be a little less concerned about the move.

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What’s the Best Thing About Being an Expat in China?


With so many cultural differences between China and the West, the decision to relocate to China as an expat can be a difficult one.

Although expats do indeed have some complex cultural differences to navigate however, there are a huge number of positives for people taking the move.

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Cross Cultural Training Essential for Foreign-Bound Personnel


Ignorance Is No Excuse and Can Land You in Jail

In light of the story of the British woman jailed for smuggling painkillers into Egypt, Punter Southall Health & Protection have warned companies sending personnel abroad that it is their "duty of care to ensure employees understand the legislation and cultural differences of that country."

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Brexodus - Managing Employee Relocation After Brexit

Brexodus - Managing Employee Relocation After Brexit

London business leaders visited Brussels last week in a bid to push for a financial services deal following Brexit. 

If the EU pursues plans to move Euro Clearing services back into the EU zone, then London may potentially lose its status as the European financial hub. 

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