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When I'm not hanging out in the beautiful sunshine of Africa, you will find me here sharing content about culture - you'll soon see why I'm called the Culture Vulture.

U.S. Companies struggle with German Cultural Differences


Doing business internationally can be exciting and fulfilling.

It can also present opportunities to learn new approaches to the workplace. 

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Global Mobility Trends and Expatriate Relocation


Weichert Relocation specialists, provide essential insights into international relocations and personnel movement with their whitepaper “Current Global Workforce Mobility Trends”. 

As online cultural awareness training providers, whitepapers such as these are essential to helping us ensure our expatriate cultural training programmes meet the needs of relocating staff.

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Drilling for Cultural Fuel - An Exceptional Case!


As a training consultant, one of the best aspects of my work is seeing how different industries approach employee training.

I'm lucky, I get to meet HR, L&D and Training Managers from across industries and businesses and to them about their work. In my last visit to Paris, I was blown over by the proactivity and dedication to training by a natural resources company. 

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Culture and its relation to Per Capita Income


Do you question how important culture is to our daily lives?

Well many do. In reality however culture is at play moulding the world around us every minute of every day; sometimes in ways we don't understand.

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Do Creative Cultures Have a Competitive Business Advantage?


From companies to government institutions, managers are now realising that innovation and creativity is the way to make money and positively evolve.

Soren Peterson has investigated what creative professionals believe are the ingredients for a booming creative economy.

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Chinese Etiquette School based on British Manners


After decades of spitting, burping and littering, China seems to be ready for an Etiquette Revolution!

And how are they overthrowing behaviours that might be considered 'bad manners' elsewhere? With a touch of good ole fashioned British courtesies.

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Does Culture Impact Cancer Survival Rates in the UK?


It is well a known fact that a very British cultural trait is to keep yourself to yourself and not to bother others or cause them inconvenience.

The "stiff upper lip" as it is sometimes known.

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Why Merging Cultures is Crucial for Merging Companies


As a company, it is never easy to unify an existing business with a newly acquired one through a merger or aquisition.

In fact, a study by Isaac Dixon, "Culture Management and Mergers and Acquisitions," showed that cultural differences were at the heart of 30% failed mergers and aquisitions. 

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What's an Example of a Company Benefitting from Intercultural Training?


You might think cultural training is only useful for people and businesses that are associated with global business - for example, international sales teams or global managers.

You would be wrong! Raising cultural awareness is useful for everyone and anyone. 

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Is Anglo-Indian Culture Fading into Oblivion?


Even though modern-day society seems to become more intercultural every year, the opposite is true for the Anglo-Indian community where Western traditions and appearances meet those of the Indian subcontinent.

The BBC recently looked at the fate of the Ango-Indian culture which offers a fascinating insight into this little known group.

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How Boston is Using Cultural Awareness to Attract Chinese Tourists


As many Chinese tourists only pay a brief visit to the city, local Boston companies are now getting training to increase their appeal to this important group of visitors (and revenue stream).

According to The BBC, many Chinese tourists travel to the United States for their holidays. The top three American cities they visit are New York, Los Angeles and Washington DC, but Boston isn’t far behind.

However, the Chinese often only visit this city to check out universities like Harvard and the MIT, resulting in very short visits that aren’t very beneficial for the local Boston businesses.

If Chinese visitors could stay longer, the boom to the local economy could be massive.

Jolin Zhou, who works for the Chinese tour operator Sunshine Travel in Boston, tells a story about a Chinese man and his teenage son who had come to Boston to look at universities. "One day he asked my co-worker, 'Can you recommend a meal, a good restaurant and bring me there? The best restaurant in Boston, no matter how expensive.' My co-worker brought him to a restaurant; they spent $1,000 for two of them for dinner."

Zhou told this story to participants of a tourism workshop that was set up by the Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism. The Office wants to attract more Chinese people to the region as the middle class in China consists of about 300 million people who are spending more and more time abroad. In terms of most visitors per country, they are the ninth biggest group in the US, and the fastest growing one. They even rank third in the biggest spenders when travelling abroad.

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Essential Tips for Doing Business in The Middle East


The Middle East is an area that carries many stereotypes and myths.

Before doing business in the Middle East it is imperative to learn about areas such as business culture, business etiquette, meeting protocol and negotiation techniques. 

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What are Some Cultural Differences Around Christmas Food?

What are Some Cultural Differences Around Christmas Food?

Different cultures have different food traditions, even at the Christmas table.

Are you tired with the traditional Christmas roasts, pudding and chocolates?

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Tesco Close American Stores due to Cultural Differences

Tesco Close American Stores due to Cultural Differences

Tesco has recently announced that their chain of American supermarkets, Fresh & Easy, will be closed entirely.

The reason for this? Unexpected cultural differences.

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Cultural Intelligence Helps Job Performance


By overlooking the importance of intercultural training, companies do not get the most out of their employees.

David Livmore is here to make us aware of the significance of knowing a bit more about  your co-workers’ cultures.

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Cultural Differences and Christmas Decorations

Cultural Differences and Christmas Decorations

We are all familiar with traditional Christmas decorations.

The Christmas trees, mistletoe and other red, gold and green ornaments.

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Cultural Training will Not Solve Racism in Football


It's 2021 and racism is still continues to rear it's ugly head in football. 

From comdemnation, to campaigns and zero tolerance in the stadiums, the FA is facing an unrelenting struggle.

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Gamification and Cultural Differences


Playing games at work?

From the work floor to education, gamification is becoming more and more common in a lot of areas.

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Civil Engineer Helps Construction Industry Go Global


Ever thought of going global in the design and construction world?

You might run into problems you didn’t expect to occur.

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What are Some Examples of Different Christmas Celebrations Around the World?

What are Some Examples of Different Christmas Celebrations Around the World?

In many Western cultures, the Christmas celebrations are more or less the same or thereabouts.

The family gathers on Christmas Eve, a Christmas mass is possibly attended and presents are unwrapped.

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