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Indian Culture and Business Etiquette


India is a colourful, complex and multifaceted country, full of paradoxes and contradictions.

Political and economic reforms have stimulated the growth of the state since 1991, with India now the fifth-strongest economy in the world.

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  10010 Hits

How NOT to Build Business Relationships with Americans


Cultures build relationships in different ways.

Understanding these cultural differences can be the difference between success and failure.

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  6042 Hits

The Canadian Communication Style


How do Canadians communicate?

Well, different cultures communicate in different ways and Canada is no different.

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  51407 Hits

What are 3 Core Values of Canadian Business Culture?


Work with Canadians or doing business in Canada?

In this blog, we're going to explore 3 core values that shape Canadian culture and business.

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  14639 Hits

Doing Business in Brazil? 4 Things About the Culture You Really Need to Know


If you’re new to doing business in Brazil, then this blog is for you.

Before venturing into any new country, it’s crucial to learn about the culture.

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  17432 Hits

The Impact of Culture on COVID-19 Cases and Deaths


Is there a correlation between culture and the COVID-19 pandemic?

This is a question we’ve posed before in previous blogs.

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  3957 Hits

Silence in Japanese Business Culture and Communication


If you work with the Japanese, then you really need to understand the communication style.

Many a foreigner has made the mistake of believing ‘they all do business like us’.

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  32624 Hits

The Essential Guide to Indian Business Etiquette


Manners mean a lot in Indian culture.

If you’re new to working with Indians or planning on a business trip to India, it’s crucial you brush up on your etiquette.

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  26618 Hits

6 Cultural Differences Every Great Manager Needs to Know About


Managing people from different cultures can be a challenge.

Different viewpoints, needs and expectations can manifest in many ways within multicultural teams.

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  16571 Hits

What Does ‘Cultural Awareness’ Mean?


Let's explore the definition of cultural awareness.

Within the training, education and research fields you will hear many terms, sometimes used interchangeably.

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  39229 Hits

Hierarchy and Doing Business in South Korean Culture


Could South Korea’s hierarchical culture have caused planes to crash?

If you work or do business with South Koreans, you really need to understand hierarchy.

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  11522 Hits

Describing 'Culture' With 5 Images


What would you draw to illustrate the meaning of 'culture'?

This is a little exercise we commonly use in cultural awareness training courses to get people thinking about how culture works.

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  19718 Hits

How to Deal with 'No' in Chinese Communication Culture


Do you work with the Chinese?

A common challenge many foreigners come across is how to handle the word ‘no’.

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  10779 Hits

5 Weird Things Americans Do


Every country has its quirks, right?

Well, the Land of Hope and Freedom is no different.

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  5841 Hits

Why Do Cultures Exist?


Where did 'culture' come from? What does 'culture' do?

In order to understand cultural differences, you need to take a step back.

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  37413 Hits

How Do Cultural Differences Affect International Business?


Culture is a complex thing.

It affects everything we do from the way we raise our kids to the way we do business.

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  67140 Hits

Is American Culture Killing People in the Fight Against Covid-19?


Do cultural commitments to ideas like freedom and liberty help or hinder Americans in their plight?

In this blog we’ll explore how American culture and values are potentially harming the country’s ability to slow the spread of COVID-19.

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  5296 Hits

Common Stereotypes and Misconceptions of Chinese Culture


It’s fair to say that most countries stereotype others.

Whilst stereotypes can provide some sort of understanding of another's culture, they are generally unhelpful and misleading.

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  128972 Hits

How Chinese Culture Helped Fight Against the Coronavirus


As COVID-19 continues to spread around the globe, China has claimed relative success in dealing with the virus.

On closer inspection, much of this success comes down to Chinese culture.

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  22793 Hits

Why are the British so Cold and Unfriendly?


This is a common stereotype often heard about the British.

In some parts of the world, they have a reputation for being ‘cold’ and ‘unfriendly’.

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  97381 Hits