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Cross-Cultural Tips for Remote and Virtual Teams

Cross-Cultural Tips for Remote and Virtual Teams

The development of competent remote and virtual teams is now a big priority for most training departments. 

Adapting to a world in which travel is restricted and social distancing is required makes the ability to conduct business virtually across cultures, countries and time zones essential.

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  19213 Hits

10 Common Cultural Differences when Working with Americans


Depending on your own culture, working with Americans can be challenging.

When delivering cross-cultural training we get to hear many of the challenges facing professionals when working with Americans.

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  27337 Hits

The Culture Map: A Great New Book on Cross Cultural Communication


Working with people from different cultures is becoming increasingly more common; however it can also give rise to challenges.

Thankfully, Erin Meyer has recently published a book that provides a framework on how different cultures across the globe view communication at work.

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  24024 Hits

Does Cultural Diversity Make You Smarter?


Being surrounded by other cultures can bring a great deal of benefits.

New research has shown that living in a culturally diverse community can even make you smarter!

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  20237 Hits

Seeking Future African Cross Cultural Trainers


Global Training Manager, Caroline, gives some insight into an upcoming train-the-trainer course for business professionals looking to become cultural awareness trainers and coaches.

The 29th September till 1st October 2014 are going to be three very exciting days!

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  13470 Hits

New Management Book on How to Deal with Different Cultures


Recently, expert on global leadership, Erin Meyer, published a new book that aims to help managers lead global teams.

By using an eight-scale framework, team leaders can guide their teams to a more effective method of working.

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  12389 Hits

How Does Cultural Awareness Training help U.S. Army Cadets?


Cultural awareness is important in today's day and age.

Businesses, government bodies, the third sector and public services all realise the need to understand and embrace cultural diversity at many levels.

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  15470 Hits

Workplace Bullying & Cultural Differences


According to a new global study about workplace bullying, bullying bosses are more accepted in Anglo countries such as the U.S. or the U.K than they are in many other countries.

The study was recently published in the Journal or Business Research and is co-authored by Nikos Bozionelos, who is a Professor at the Audencia Nantes School of Management.

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  13999 Hits

Cultural Dexterity: The Key to Business Success in Ghana


All week, in Ghana, we have reached out to a broad spectrum of successful  Ghanaian businessmen to help determine how they have managed to attain success. 

Our meetings focused on hearing their experiences, their challenges, as well as their formula for breaking out of the crowd.

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  11840 Hits

Culture Awareness and Global Dexterity


According to culture awareness expert Andy Molinsky, 'global dexterity' is key to successful cross-cultural understanding.

Awareness of culture and cross cultural differences are increasingly important in our global economy; Molinsky explains more in an interview with Forbes.

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  22060 Hits

Leadership and Management: Is the West Killing Local Arab Culture and Values?


Has the adoption of western education, management and leadership paradigms killed off local and national management styles across the world?

Voices in the UAE are claiming this is unhealthy and unsustainable as foreign principles can never 100% fit in with local cultural needs.

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  11375 Hits

Active Listening: Cross-Cultural Business Communication Skills


'Active listening' is a communication skill crucial to doing cross-cultural business.

As a skill, it requires the listener to become attuned with the speaker in order to confirm what they have heard and moreover, to confirm the understanding of both parties.

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  45597 Hits

Why You Need Global Dexterity When Working With People from Different Cultures


You can read as many books about cultural awareness as you like; you will only become successful when working with other cultures when you put your knowledge into action.

When working on a cross-cultural basis, cultural awareness training often isn’t enough says Andy Molinsky.

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  16344 Hits

Drilling for Cultural Fuel - An Exceptional Case!


As a training consultant, one of the best aspects of my work is seeing how different industries approach employee training.

I'm lucky, I get to meet HR, L&D and Training Managers from across industries and businesses and to them about their work. In my last visit to Paris, I was blown over by the proactivity and dedication to training by a natural resources company. 

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  8636 Hits

What's an Example of a Company Benefitting from Intercultural Training?


You might think cultural training is only useful for people and businesses that are associated with global business - for example, international sales teams or global managers.

You would be wrong! Raising cultural awareness is useful for everyone and anyone. 

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  12951 Hits

Tesco Close American Stores due to Cultural Differences

Tesco Close American Stores due to Cultural Differences

Tesco has recently announced that their chain of American supermarkets, Fresh & Easy, will be closed entirely.

The reason for this? Unexpected cultural differences.

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  36565 Hits

Cultural Intelligence Helps Job Performance


By overlooking the importance of intercultural training, companies do not get the most out of their employees.

David Livmore is here to make us aware of the significance of knowing a bit more about  your co-workers’ cultures.

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  12871 Hits

Cultural Tips to Make Exporting to Japan and China a Success!


Do you export?

AstraZeneca's Stuart Anderson offers some insights into the importance of understanding and adapting to the local culture in order to maximise success.

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  12748 Hits

Afghan Jokes on Cultural Differences


You wouldn't think war would bring out a people's sense of humour but, in Afghanistan, the cross-cultural interaction between locals and troops actually became the subject for of some very funny stories.

When a country is involved in a war, humour is usually miles away.

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  21074 Hits

Cyber Monday and Other Cultural Celebrations in December


Cyber Monday isn't the only part of December celebrations.

There are some fantastic celebrations taking place in other cultures and countries which are not widely known, but still deserve online retailers' attention.

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  13267 Hits