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What is the Japanese Negotiation Style?


The Japanese culture can be tricky to understand.

The people have particular ways of doing things, polished over hundreds of years of history, that seem peculiar to the outsider.

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  44222 Hits

What is the Negotiation Style in India?


Want to learn more about negotiations in India?

We'll be giving you some fantastic insights into the Indian negotiation style and how you might need to adapt your approach.

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  65279 Hits

How Do Businesses Negotiate in Saudi Arabia?


Imagine that you’re presented with an unfamiliar board game and told to play it.

Unfortunately, you don’t understand the rules and irritate the other players by making mistakes and getting things wrong.

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  23185 Hits

What is the Business Negotiation Culture in the USA?


Imagine you’ve been asked to play an unfamiliar board game and that you’re instructed to play it without any understanding of the rules.

You soon begin to irritate other players by making mistakes and getting things wrong and, after a while, the game becomes a stressful and confusing experience.

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  48126 Hits

How to Negotiate Successfully with Different Cultures


What's your approach to negotiations?

Have your cake and eat it? Or are you happy if everyone gets a slice?

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  9181 Hits

The Apprentice – Horrendous Racism or Cultural Ignorance?

The Apprentice – Horrendous Racism or Cultural Ignorance?

For those that follow The Apprentice, you can’t have missed the recent outburst by contestant Dillon St Paul in Episode 6, entitled ‘Discount Buying’.

Sticking to the traditional programme format, contestants were required to spend the night identifying the whereabouts of 9 items in and around London and then negotiate the best possible price for their purchase.

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  7865 Hits

Cross Cultural Negotiations in International Business


Are you involved in negotiations with people from other countries and cultures?

Do you sometimes get confused with the negotiation process?

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  57164 Hits