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Tips for Hosting Saudi Business Guests That Will Impress Everyone at Work


Saudi Arabia’s drive for economic diversification is boosting the country’s international presence.

With more companies investing in Saudi Arabia and vice-versa, the country has become much more visible on the global stage.

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  6714 Hits

Doing Business in Saudi Arabia as a Woman


If you’re looking for guidance on being a foreign businesswoman in Saudi Arabia, then you’re off to a good start.

Researching Saudi culture and society demonstrates you already have some awareness that things work a little differently in Saudi Arabia.

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  17846 Hits

A Case Study in the Business Culture of Saudi Arabia


Case studies are a great way of learning.

Especially so when it comes to exploring cultural differences in business.

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  10311 Hits

Cultural Differences between The U.S. and Saudi Arabia in Business


If you’re American and new to doing business with Saudis, then this is for you!

We're going to give you a quick-fire overview of some of the most common challenges faced by the two cultures when doing business together.

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  32855 Hits

Lèse-majesté: A Cultural Faux Pas and Criminal Offence


When you’re doing business abroad, it’s critical to understand some of the dos and don’ts.

We’re going to look at areas we often cover in cross-cultural training, lèse-majesté.

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  5882 Hits

What are the Main Differences between Saudi Arabia and the UAE?


Many assume the two Arab Gulf countries are alike.

However, Saudi Arabia and the UAE are culturally, politically and socially different in many ways.

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  264231 Hits

Saudi Arabia Plans New City to Overcome Cultural Differences


Saudi Arabia has a wealth of strategic opportunities, characterised by a favourable geographical position and an abundance of natural resources.

It has the potential to become the ‘next big thing’ in the Middle East and to build economic streams which are not oil dependent, as outlined in its ambitious ‘2030 Vision’.

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  8611 Hits

Has Saudi Arabia Ended Gender Segregation in Restaurants?


Did you know that Saudi Arabia segregates people at restaurants according to gender?

Yes, it’s true, but the internet and media have been buzzing with news that the country has stopped the practice.

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  10855 Hits

Saudi Arabia Brands Feminists, Atheists and Homosexuals as 'Extremists'


Be warned! Saudi Arabia is a confusing and contradictory place at the moment.

If you’re involved in doing business in Saudi Arabia, then you need to be aware of some of the current changes taking place at a cultural level.

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  5836 Hits

How Do Businesses Negotiate in Saudi Arabia?


Imagine that you’re presented with an unfamiliar board game and told to play it.

Unfortunately, you don’t understand the rules and irritate the other players by making mistakes and getting things wrong.

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  23185 Hits

How Does Islam Impact Doing Business in the Middle East?


Are you new to doing business with the Middle East?

Understanding the local culture is critical if you want to succeed.

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  20576 Hits

What’s it Like to be a Woman in Saudi Arabia?


Despite a history of limiting the visibility of women, the application of harsh gender laws have instead made them the most visible part of the Saudi identity.

As such, when many Westerners think of Saudi Arabia, niqab clad women without any rights, are one of the first images that come to mind.

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  37674 Hits

Supermodel Accused of Racism Over Cultural Faux Pas


Did you hear about the supermodel, the airport lounge and the cultural faux pas that caused uproar in Saudi Arabia and the UAE?

No? Well, this is a great little example of culture gone wrong!

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  7315 Hits

Is the Accorhotels CEO Ignorant of Saudi Culture?

Is the Accorhotels CEO Ignorant of Saudi Culture?

Saudi Arabia is on a mission to diversify its economy and reduce its reliance on oil revenue.

As part of this, they are looking to become a global tourist destination – something that their UAE neighbours, particularly, Dubai, have accomplished to great effect.

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  4956 Hits

What does Google Search Data tell us about Culture in Saudi Arabia?


For those of you interested in the Saudi people and culture, Google Search Engine data is a great starting point.

By looking at what people in Saudi Arabia are searching for online, you can establish a good understanding of what’s important to the Saudi people and, from this, draw inferences about the culture and life in Saudi Arabia.

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  12908 Hits

Doing Business in Saudi Arabia? How to Make a Good Impression


Saudi Arabia is on a mission.

Their ambitious 2030 Vision seeks to create an economy for the future based around trade and tourism.

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  9265 Hits

What's the Date in Saudi Arabia?


Many people doing business with Saudi Arabia are usually surprised to find that the date in Saudi Arabia is over 500 years behind that of dates in the West.

Why is the date different in Saudi Arabia?

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  50643 Hits

What are Some Common Stereotypes of Saudi Arabia?


Saudi Arabia has become an almost permanent fixture in Western news.

With the murder of Jamal Khashoggi and the continued carnage in Yemen which threatens to spiral into the worst global famine this generation, the spotlight placed on Saudi Arabia has been almost completely negative.

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  43594 Hits

Fighting Witchcraft in Saudi Arabia


For many Western cultures, witches are an innocuous subject.

Long gone are the days where innocent women were dragged from their homes to be burned at the stake.

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  15920 Hits

When in Saudi, Do Not Dab

When in Saudi, Do Not Dab

A word of warning for anyone travelling to Saudi Arabia - stay well away from any DABBING! The move could see you spending some time in jail.

Abdullah al-Shahrani, a Saudi entertainer, was recently detained by Saudi authorities after dabbing during a concert in the city of Taif.

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  13642 Hits