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New Expat in the UAE? Everything You Should Know About Ramadan in a Nutshell!


For new expats relocating to the UAE, it’s fair to say that the transformation that takes place during the month of Ramadan can present quite a cultural shock to those who don’t understand it.

Whether you’re in the more conservative area of Sharjah, or, in the more liberal Dubai, Ramadan generally plays out in the same way and the same traditions and practices are observed.

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  6693 Hits

Doing Business in Saudi Arabia? How to Make a Good Impression


Saudi Arabia is on a mission.

Their ambitious 2030 Vision seeks to create an economy for the future based around trade and tourism.

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What's the Date in Saudi Arabia?


Many people doing business with Saudi Arabia are usually surprised to find that the date in Saudi Arabia is over 500 years behind that of dates in the West.

Why is the date different in Saudi Arabia?

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  50720 Hits

Understanding the Arab Middle East - Identity, Culture and Values


As with any people, the Arabs look to the past for their sense of identity.

Arab history is tied to tribalism and the nomadic life of the desert.

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Ramadan - Why are your Muslim colleagues are fasting and how can you support them?

Ramadan - Why are your Muslim colleagues are fasting and how can you support them?

For those of us working in multicultural environments, it’s fair to say that our colleagues may occasionally observe traditions with which we aren’t familiar. Ramadan is one such occasion.

In the same way that non Muslims may avoid asking questions for fear of intrusion, Muslims may equally avoid going into too much detail about Ramadan for fear of their colleagues not being interested.

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Fighting Witchcraft in Saudi Arabia


For many Western cultures, witches are an innocuous subject.

Long gone are the days where innocent women were dragged from their homes to be burned at the stake.

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  15941 Hits

What do I Need to Know About Doing Business in Muslim Countries During Ramadan?


Do you work with or travel to Muslim majority countries? 

Then you need to know all about Ramadan!

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  20698 Hits

Media Throw Confusion Over Wearing of Hijab in Saudi Arabia

Media Throw Confusion Over Wearing of Hijab in Saudi Arabia

Some recent news coverage focusing on Theresa May not wearing a headscarf on her business trip to Saudi Arabia has caused some major confusion over etiquette and protocol in the Kingdom.

Certain news outlets and media seemed to use terminology that suggested that the British PM May somehow 'refused' the idea of covering her hair.

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  39933 Hits

The Importance of Business Relationships in the Middle East


Doing business in the Middle East or Arab world?

Then you really need to take some time out and read this article!

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  32922 Hits

A Brief Introduction to Islam

A Brief Introduction to Islam

Did you know that the word 'Islam' means submission to Allah’s will?

A 'Muslim' is one who submits to Allah’s will and, as a result, is at peace.

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  122459 Hits

When Ignorance of a Local Culture Results in a Costly Business Mess


Have you heard those nightmare stories of foreigners working abroad and causing offence?

Well, strap yourself in because this is one hell of a tale!

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Gary Lineker, the Prostrating Muslim Footballers and Cultural Sensitivity


Gary Lineker is facing criticism for his live comments on Al Jazeera that were seen to be offensive to Muslims.

You can hear what he said in the video below.

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Muhammad & the teddy bear: a case of Intercultural Incompetence


Every now and again we get an international story that demonstrates the importance of cultural awareness in the modern age.

Examples include the Israeli tourists who got into trouble for kissing in a Hindu shrine, the movie poster depicting someone sat on the head of the Buddha that offended Buddhists and sparked protests in S.E. Asia and the now infamous Prophet Muhammad Cartoons.

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