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What does Google Search Data tell us about Culture in Saudi Arabia?


For those of you interested in the Saudi people and culture, Google Search Engine data is a great starting point.

By looking at what people in Saudi Arabia are searching for online, you can establish a good understanding of what’s important to the Saudi people and, from this, draw inferences about the culture and life in Saudi Arabia.

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  12931 Hits

Doing Business in Saudi Arabia? How to Make a Good Impression


Saudi Arabia is on a mission.

Their ambitious 2030 Vision seeks to create an economy for the future based around trade and tourism.

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  9289 Hits

Being Clueless about UAE Culture Won’t Protect You from Punishment


A survey by the UAE’s security magazine, 999, has shown that most expatriates visiting the UAE are doing so while blind to UAE cultural customs and traditions.

Seven out of ten of the 2,000 expatriates included in the survey claimed to not understand local Emirati culture and traditions.

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  6236 Hits

What are Some Common Stereotypes of Saudi Arabia?


Saudi Arabia has become an almost permanent fixture in Western news.

With the murder of Jamal Khashoggi and the continued carnage in Yemen which threatens to spiral into the worst global famine this generation, the spotlight placed on Saudi Arabia has been almost completely negative.

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  43659 Hits

Hospitality, Food & Friendship in Arab Business Culture


Being a good host is a central part of life in the Middle East and it is an underpinning value that everyone in the region shares.

The roots of this can be found in the tribal system whereby treating guests well is traditionally a way of gaining honour.

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  24448 Hits

Honour, Face & Shame in Arab Culture


Doing business in the Middle East?

Then you need to understand the role of honour in the Arab world.

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  26658 Hits

Understanding the Arab Middle East - Identity, Culture and Values


As with any people, the Arabs look to the past for their sense of identity.

Arab history is tied to tribalism and the nomadic life of the desert.

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  76241 Hits

Fighting Witchcraft in Saudi Arabia


For many Western cultures, witches are an innocuous subject.

Long gone are the days where innocent women were dragged from their homes to be burned at the stake.

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  15940 Hits

Gift Giving Etiquette in the Middle East


The giving and receiving of gifts is an important part of professional and personal life in the Middle East.

Closely tied up with the need to maintain relationships and as a way of gaining and giving face, gift-giving bonds people together.

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  92521 Hits

Media Throw Confusion Over Wearing of Hijab in Saudi Arabia

Media Throw Confusion Over Wearing of Hijab in Saudi Arabia

Some recent news coverage focusing on Theresa May not wearing a headscarf on her business trip to Saudi Arabia has caused some major confusion over etiquette and protocol in the Kingdom.

Certain news outlets and media seemed to use terminology that suggested that the British PM May somehow 'refused' the idea of covering her hair.

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  39930 Hits

The Importance of Business Relationships in the Middle East


Doing business in the Middle East or Arab world?

Then you really need to take some time out and read this article!

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  32918 Hits

When Ignorance of a Local Culture Results in a Costly Business Mess


Have you heard those nightmare stories of foreigners working abroad and causing offence?

Well, strap yourself in because this is one hell of a tale!

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  23845 Hits

20 Must Know Arabic Words and Phrases for your Business Trip to the Arab World


Travelling to the Arab world on business?

Whether you're visiting the UAE, Jordan or Saudi Arabia, no matter where you go in the Arab world, knowing a few words or phrases in the local language can break down barriers, build relationships and smooth the way to business success!

To help you make a great impression with your hosts, we're going to share 20 "must know" Arabic words and phrases every business person should learn before they visit Arabic speaking countries.

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  86376 Hits

Leadership and Management: Is the West Killing Local Arab Culture and Values?


Has the adoption of western education, management and leadership paradigms killed off local and national management styles across the world?

Voices in the UAE are claiming this is unhealthy and unsustainable as foreign principles can never 100% fit in with local cultural needs.

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  11392 Hits

Essential Tips for Doing Business in The Middle East


The Middle East is an area that carries many stereotypes and myths.

Before doing business in the Middle East it is imperative to learn about areas such as business culture, business etiquette, meeting protocol and negotiation techniques. 

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  25021 Hits

The Middle East Unveiled: A Review


As someone in the intercultural field, a Muslim and having spent many years living, working and travelling throughout the Arab world, I am always keen to scrutinize literature aimed at business professionals seeking to improve their knowledge of the region.

Donna Marsh’s “The Middle East Unveiled” is a recent edition to such literature.

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  6839 Hits

An Expatriate Child's View of Life in Saudi Arabia


Despite all the attention given to the Middle East today, it's fair to say that stereotypes and misconceptions still make a lot of noise!

The perception of one country in particular, Saudi Arabia, is clouded by mystery and stereotypes due to the country's strict adherence to the Islamic faith.

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  27853 Hits