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Selling Across Cultures – How to Win at Cross-Cultural Sales


How do you sell to different cultures? How does culture influence sales?

If you sell internationally then the answers to these questions could be worth a lot in bonuses!

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  7344 Hits

Why is Relationship Building so Important in Indonesian Business Culture?


Ask a business with a successful presence in Indonesia the secret of their success, it’s unlikely they would cite their amazing product or service as the reason.

Although a great product or service is an essential factor in business success for any company expanding overseas, the essential ingredient for success in Indonesia sits firmly upon the ability to navigate and harness Indonesian culture.

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  6335 Hits

The Importance of Reciprocity in Chinese Business Culture


Do you work with the Chinese?

If so, there are some fundamental cultural concepts you need to be aware of.

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  6088 Hits

The Powerful Impact of Culture on your Export Success


Over the past 15 years a continuous theme, which has never ceased to amaze us, has been the way in which businesses significantly underestimate the impact of cultural differences.

It typically takes something to go wrong before stakeholders take notice.

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  8076 Hits

What’s the Business Culture Like in Japan?


Visiting Japan for business or working with Japanese colleagues?

Then put your best foot forward and make a great impression by understanding Japanese business culture!

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  31806 Hits

British Business Culture Ranked 12th Easiest in the World


Culturally speaking, how easy would you say it is to do business with the UK?

Well the Business Culture Complexity Index ™ (BCCI), which assesses the potential complexity of a country's business culture, has just the answer!

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  4961 Hits

Chinese Firms Face Tough Cultural Challenges in US Marketplace


We hear a lot in the news about cultural differences with Western companies going East, but rarely about Eastern companies coming to the West.

A great little article in the South China Morning Post by Mark Magnier suggests that when it comes to navigating different business cultures, Chinese companies are finding very similar challenges when working on the global stage, especially in the USA.

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  10095 Hits

Exporting to The USA from The UK - Cultural Differences


 With talk of a mega trade deal between The USA and The UK, British business is gearing up for a potential export rush across The Atlantic.

To help prepare British exporters for future opportunities, The Institute of Export and Open to Export recently hosted a webinar to which Commisceo Global was invited to speak.

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  5169 Hits

Cultural Insights for Doing Business & Working in Thailand


If you’re off to Thailand for business or moving there as an expat, then we have compiled some essential cultural facts to give you an insight into Thai culture before you go.

By understanding the culture, you are best placed to get the most out of your time in Thailand and to make it a memorable experience for all the right reasons.

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  10248 Hits

Why Joining The TPP Spells 'Cultural Competence' for British Business

Why Joining The TPP Spells 'Cultural Competence' for British Business

With a ‘no deal’ Brexit looming, the need to trade outside of Europe is becoming a reality for many British businesses.

In fact, just this week, Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzō Abe told Britain we’d be welcome to join the Pacific Free Trade Pact (TPP) following our European exit if we’re unable to leave with a deal intact.

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Brexit-bound Britannia: The Skills, Insights and Knowledge We Need to Truly be a ‘Global Britain’


:: As of this week Brexit negotiations have officially commenced.

:: The UK will be leaving the EU within the next few years.

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  6048 Hits

Inside Indian Culture: Tips When Doing Business in India


India, despite years of efforts by PM Narendra Modi to implement changes to the contrary, remains one of the toughest places on the planet to do business.

A highly-advanced nation in many respects, with an educated English-speaking population, a wealthy middle-class, advances in technology and an international business outlook, many from the outside approach India as easy pickings.

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  26591 Hits

How Lack of Cultural Awareness Can Cost A Business Big

How Lack of Cultural Awareness Can Cost A Business Big

In this article, we look at how a lack of cultural awareness can have big cost implications for a business.

Western businesses that believe their approach to business is 'the only way', are losing out on contracts and productivity when it comes to interfacing with foreign companies.

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  85126 Hits

What are Some Tips on Marketing for Export?


Looking to sell globally?

Export marketing will be crucial to your prospects – however it is key to always remember “cultural differences” in the back of your mind when putting together a strategy and approach.

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  7860 Hits

Why do Exporters Need to Understand Language and Culture?


Globalisation, internationalisation and trans-border trade are all terms that have been coined over the past decade(s) to reflect the reality of international trade.

Although international trade has long been in operation, the scale, frequency and speed at which it is conducted today is incomparable.

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  11006 Hits

Women in Export and Doing Business in the Far East

Women in Export and Doing Business in the Far East

As part of the 2014 Export Week, Commisceo trainer Joyce Jenkins was invited to speak at UK Trade and Investment’s (UKTI) Women in Export event.

UKTI offers its services to UK based companies seeking to expand their business overseas, providing expert advice and practical support for exporting into foreign markets and understanding overseas business practices.

Their Master Class, held at Gatwick on the 13th of November, dealt with the challenges faced by women when exporting, with a particular focus on doing business in the Far East.

In addition to gaining a better understanding of the role UKTI can play in assisting companies in exporting, attendees heard from representatives of women-led businesses who had overcome barriers to trade in this region. Victoria Christian, Global Brand Ambassador for luxury goods producer Clive Christian, along with Claire Selby, Managing Director of educational materials producer Yellow House English Ltd., spoke about their respective experiences entering markets in the Far East.

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  12752 Hits

Why is Etiquette so Important When Doing Business Abroad?

Why is Etiquette so Important When Doing Business Abroad?

Would you drink fermented mare’s milk with your new potential Mongolian business partners to seal a deal?

Or would you politely decline?

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  14341 Hits

Cultural Tips on Doing Business in Germany for British Exporters

Cultural Tips on Doing Business in Germany for British Exporters

In January 2014 I participated at the event ‘Doing Business in Germany’ hosted by UKTI (UK Trade & Investment) in Bristol.

This event was held due to the upcoming German trade fair Hannover Messe and CeBIT to enable UK businesses to see the export opportunities available.

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  9292 Hits

Business in Ghana: “There’s no food for lazy man”


“There’s no food for lazy man” is a common saying displayed all over Accra, and one I happened to hear today on my first day in Ghana.

Many of these proverbs beautifully illustrate the values of Ghanain people. 

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  10287 Hits

How Cultural Differences Impact Food and Drink Export


Exporting food?

Beware of cultural differences and always carry out research on consumer, retail and shopping habits say the experts.

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  18005 Hits