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How to Enhance Online Learning with Games


The culture of learning and development within most organisations has changed dramatically.

Although online learning programmes are now recognised by the majority of corporate businesses as a great way to train busy and mobile staff, there has traditionally been more resistance to using stand-alone games.

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How Can Online Training Benefit Your Business?


In a rapidly changing training world, learning trend reviews reference terminology which would have been incomprehensible to learning and development professionals not so long ago.

With terms such as E-Learning, Mobile Learning, Online Learning, Gamification and Virtual Learning, peppering our training conversations, the training culture has changed dramatically.

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  3894 Hits

Is the 70-20-10 Model Still Relevant to Online Cross Cultural Training?

Is the 70-20-10 Model Still Relevant to Online Cross Cultural Training?

If you work in Learning and Development, then it’s likely you know about the 70-20-10 Model.

If not, then it can be simply summarised as the work of three academics in the 80s who used extensive research to establish optimal learning conditions.

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How do I know if Online Training Programmes are Effective?


As a member of a Learning and Development team, you have probably invested considerable time developing, or purchasing, online training programmes in line with staff training strategies.

Purchasing online or e-learning programmes can be a minefield; there’s often so much to choose from and no two training programmes are the same.

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  4232 Hits

Why E-Learning Works for Cultural Competence Training

Why E-Learning Works for Cultural Competence Training

Online training for cross-cultural skills is in high demand. So why are corporate training stakeholders turning to e-learning?

Traditional face-to-face training has become more of a challenge over the past 15 or so years.

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  5111 Hits

Why is Cultural Competence Important in Training?


Why do we focus on culture in corporate training? Is it really all that important?

Understanding the role culture plays in our lives is very important.

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  12473 Hits

Why is Cultural Awareness Important?

Why is Cultural Awareness Important?

Why focus on 'culture' in the workplace?

Why do we need to look at 'culture' specifically?

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The Importance of Apologies in Japanese Culture


Did you know the Japanese have over 20 ways to say 'sorry'?

If you plan to do business in Japan, you need to get up to speed with how apologies work in Japanese culture.

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Is Cultural Awareness a Skill?


A common misconception held by many is that cultural awareness is a skill.

You either have or you don't have, or, at the very least, is a skill that can be learned through training.

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  21729 Hits

Dubai First Gov Games - a Great Lesson in Driving Cultural Diversity

Dubai First Gov Games - a Great Lesson in Driving Cultural Diversity

With over 7 million of its 9 million population classed as non-Emirati, the UAE has become an incredible melting point of cultures and nationalities.

Owing to Dubai’s relatively relaxed attitude and job opportunities, the majority of these expats reside in Dubai itself. Of these expats, South East Asians make up the largest proportion with approximately 8% of Westerners making up the smaller portion.

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  5163 Hits

Culture is an Essential Consideration for Global Training Roll Outs


In a global marketplace, companies are increasingly rolling out training courses across international offices with the intention of providing consistent and homogenised messages to all their staff – regardless of location.

There is sometimes little, if any thought, given to whether the materials will be well received by the recipient's international office.

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  4832 Hits

How to Adapt Training & Learning for a Global Workforce


One of the effects of globalisation is that global brands are typically (and unavoidably) geographically spread.

Employing a global workforce is essential in today’s hypercompetitive marketplace.

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  6969 Hits

2017 -2018 Cross-Cultural Training Trends


With 2017 flying by and 2018 fast approaching, the team at Commisceo Global have decided to share a snapshot of some of the cross-cultural training trends we have witnessed so far this year.

Remember this is only what we have seen as a company, not what the whole cross-cultural training sector is experiencing.

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  7485 Hits

Cross-Cultural Training Sector Predicted to Grow 15% by 2021

Cross-Cultural Training Sector Predicted to Grow 15% by 2021

The Cross Cultural Training sector is predicted to grow at a compound annual growth rate of just under 15% from 2017-2021.

This growth is due to an increased need for relocation training for expats and online cultural training programmes for international teams. 

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  13611 Hits

What does Brexit Spell for HR?

What does Brexit Spell for HR?

As Brexit negotiations commence, HR teams have an invaluable role to play in helping the businesses within which they work to positively navigate the challenges presented by our EU withdrawal.

For most international companies, Brexit makes it necessary to revise long term business strategies – with changes being far greater for companies closely connected to the EU.

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  4863 Hits

Brexit-bound Britannia: The Skills, Insights and Knowledge We Need to Truly be a ‘Global Britain’


:: As of this week Brexit negotiations have officially commenced.

:: The UK will be leaving the EU within the next few years.

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  6057 Hits

150+ CEOs Commit to Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

150+ CEOs Commit to Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion™ will "Improve Corporate Performance, Drive Growth, and Enhance Employee Engagement" says founding companies

In a sign of the growing importance of diversity issues within the workplace, a group of more than 150 CEOs from some of the world’s leading companies have put their names againt CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion™ -  the largest ever CEO-driven commitment to advance diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

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  7380 Hits

How Do People Usually Create Disharmony in Multicultural Teams?


Multicultural teams are now the norm within many of our larger companies, organisations and brands.

Challenges relating to communication, trust and morale within culturally diverse teams are common.

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  9479 Hits

Where is the Most Expensive Destination for Expatriates?

Where is the Most Expensive Destination for Expatriates?

Since relocation training forms such a significant part of the work undertaken by us here at Commisceo, it’s essential that we keep up to date with global changes and their impacts on all things ‘expatriate’.

Mercer, is just one of our trusted ‘go to’ experts.  As consultants in the fields of talent, investments and health, their annual Cost of Living surveys are a must read for companies engaged in the relocation of their employees. 

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The Relocation Industry and Historical Context

The Relocation Industry and Historical Context

Mention the ‘relocation industry’ as conversation fodder at a dinner party and your guests will probably panic that you’re planning to expose them really dry conversation pieces such as Cost of Living Allowances, Trailing Spouses, Expat Taxation, Bridging Allowances etc.

In actual fact, the relocation industry is an exciting one and not deserving of the stifled yawns that might otherwise be elicited when mentioned.

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  8418 Hits